Autumn Equinox

The Autumn equinox marks the end of summer where day and night are equal and we start our journey to longer nights πŸŒ‘

Also known as Mabon, named after a Welsh mythological god the son of the Earth Mother, it is a good time to reflect on the year recognising your successes and letting go of the things that have not served you well.

This equinox is a time for us to find balance and nurture ourselves, an opportunity to slow down, take a deep breath and prepare for the winter - and give our immune systems a boost 🍲

Top tips:
🍁Nourish with seasonal foods, spices & herbs - it’s time to warm our bodies with immune supporting soups and broths using grounding vegetables like squash, try adding some turmeric and ginger.
🍁Add some mushrooms to your cooking, be adventurous and add reishi, shiitake and lion’s mane which are great immune boosters
🍁Elderberries are in season, a rich source of vitamin C and high in antioxidants. Scientists in 1993 discovered elderberries effective against various strains of influenza
🍁In ayurveda Autumn is the time of the dosha vata and if we are feeling a bit overwhelmed and stressed this can push vata out of balance, I suggest drinking a cup of hot water first thing in the morning before anything else.

Stay tuned for an immune boosting miso soup and fire cider recipes to help keep those winter bugs away πŸ”₯